Mars 2023
Februari 2023
20 Februari 2023 - 20:53
Fallout new vegas ini fix
Added mod-suggested INI tweaks for JohnnyWang's Mountain Z Fight Patch.
Unlocked tweak: Clamped for all games (previously only enabled for Skyrim Special Edition).
Unlocked tweak: FPS (aka Havok fix) for all games (previously only enabled for Skyrim Special Edition).
Research has shown that this is the only value that needs changed.
Tweaked tweak: FPS (aka Havok fix) tweak now only changes fMaxTime.
New Tweak: Resolution Divider (for screen space reflections) under Detail for Skyrim Special Edition.
New Tweak: Screen Space Reflections under Detail for Skyrim Special Edition.
New Tweak: 64-Bit Render Targets under Basic for Skyrim Special Edition.
Tooltip change: Added the performance cost to Godrays for Skyrim Special Edition.
Tooltip change: Added the performance cost to Exterior Draw Distance for Skyrim Special Edition.
Tooltip change: Added the performance cost to Detailed Draw Distance for Skyrim Special Edition.
Tooltip change: Added the performance cost to Shadow Resolution for Skyrim Special Edition.
Tooltip change: Added the performance cost to Land Shadows for Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition.
Tooltip change: Added the performance cost to FXAA for Skyrim and Skyrim Special Edition.
Tooltip change: Added the performance cost to Antialiasing for Skyrim Special Edition.
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